Use Your Time Wisely: Effective House Hunting

Today we’re going to be giving you tips and tricks for efficient AND effective house hunting. A common fear buyers have when entering the house hunt is that it's going to take forever. Will they ever find the right house for them? We're here to assure you that you definitely will, and it can be much more pain free with the following tips. We have the privilege of working with buyers of all sorts, but there are some that make it easier on themselves than others. Let us guide you and make this as seamless as possible.

Tip #1 Get Your Finances in Order

The first step is to get pre approved and decide which lender you are going to use. We’ve said this time and time again here on Where We Live and for good reason! You need to know how much you can afford before looking at homes so you aren’t overextending your budget or getting your hopes up. You will do yourself a disservice looking at home, before you’re able to pull the trigger on one you love when you see it!

Tip #2 Look for Homes Under Your Budget

The last thing we want is for you to be at the tippity top of your budget and end up house poor. Leaving this room in your budget also gives you room to flex up to submit a competitive offer; which is really important in the current market. Outside of purchasing the home you will also associated costs that you want money set aside for.

Tip #3 Know What Your Ideal Home Looks Like 

If you are shopping for a house with a partner make sure you two take the time to get clear on your must-haves and deal-breakers. We highly recommend having conversations about this and putting down on paper what is going to be just essential for you to enjoy living in your home. Keep in mind we're never going to find the perfect house that every single thing is going to be exactly what you wanted and expected, so you need to be flexible on what is and is not an essential item.

Tip #4 Go Look at Homes In Person, But Not Too Many

Seeing homes in person will help you get a true sense of what you want in a home and what your budget will get you in different neighborhoods. Just keep in mind that seeing too many houses at once can be a disservice to you, because you won’t be able to remember all the details of every home or be able to digest everything you saw in a productive way.

Tip #5 Explore Different Neighborhoods

Looking into neighborhoods before requesting house showings in the area is only going to help you be more confident and ready to pull your trigger when you do see a home. Look into the schools, take a walk outside, talk to neighbors, and get a feel of what your life would be like in that area. A lot of things can be adjusted when it comes to a home, but we can’t change where a house is located!

Tip #6 Factor In Your Timeline For Moving

If you are currently in a lease and you're in a very competitive buying position, meaning you are competing, then we definitely recommend having that backup plan, because it's going to reduce some stress. Talk to your realtor about pros and cons of breaking a lease a few months early or staying in a lease, they should be able to guide you on what kind of timeline you’ll realistically be looking at!

Tip #7 Take the Time to Educate Yourself On the Process as a Whole

Of course your realtor is your teammate, a wealth of knowledge, and your guide through this process; however you can really give yourselves a leg up by asking questions and learning about the process. In the current market there are a lot of things happening in a short period of time and the more understanding you have of the situation the more confident you’ll feel throughout the process. For example knowing what a competitive offer looks like will enable you to make a decision quickly.

Make Buying A Home Easier On Yourself!

Our job is to make sure your home buying experience is as seamless as it can be. Buying a home has enough potential pitfalls so do your homework, prepare, and make this easier on yourself. Hopefully after walking you through finances, budget, vision, strategy, timelines, and the confidence that knowledge brings you, you’re feeling more confident entering the house hunting process. We're rooting for you! If you want our house hunting prep checklist, visit to download that for free.

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Until next time,

Brianna and Keelie